210 knots is 241.6637 miles per hour.
475 knots = 546.62 mph
40 miles = 64.4 km (approx) so 40 mph = 64.4 kmph (approx).
180 knots is equal to 207.1 MPH
35 knots is 40.2773 mph
34.75 knots
40 mph is equivalent to 64.37 km/h.
About 661.3 knots.
Well, honey, 40 miles per hour is roughly 64.37 kilometers per hour. So, if you're cruising at 40mph, you better buckle up and enjoy the ride in metric style.
That equals 8.68976993 knots.
64 knots = 73.6mph
Yes, many a times the softwood has knots
58.6ft. per second
1 knots = 1.15077945 miles 23 knots = 26.46792735 miles
17 knots=19.56 mph
60 km/h is approximately 32.4 knots.
1,040 mph = 903.73 knots