

Best Answer

1 billion = 109

1 lakh = 105

So, 104 = 10,000 lakhs make 1 billion.

And it can be rupees or grains of sand.

1 billion = 109

1 lakh = 105

So, 104 = 10,000 lakhs make 1 billion.

And it can be rupees or grains of sand.

1 billion = 109

1 lakh = 105

So, 104 = 10,000 lakhs make 1 billion.

And it can be rupees or grains of sand.

1 billion = 109

1 lakh = 105

So, 104 = 10,000 lakhs make 1 billion.

And it can be rupees or grains of sand.

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12y ago
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12y ago

1 billion = 109

1 lakh = 105

So, 104 = 10,000 lakhs make 1 billion.

And it can be rupees or grains of sand.

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