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There can be no equivalence.

A pound is a measure of mass. A litre is a measure of volume. The two measure different things and, according to basic principles of dimensional analysis, conversion from one to the other is not valid.

If you are not convinced, consider a litre of air. How many pounds? Next consider a litre of water. How many pounds?

The masses of equal volumes of the two substances will clearly be very different. So there is no direct conversion between mass and volume: you need to know the density of the substance to enable you to carry out the conversion.

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Q: How many lbs in 85 liters?
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85 milliliters is equal to how many liters?

85 ml is 0.085 liters.

How many lbs are there in 85 kilograms?

85 kg = 187 lbs

How many ounces is .85 liters?

85 US fluid ounces is 2.5 (2.51375) liters.

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85 liters equals 0.085kL (1,000 liters per kL)*Liters/1000 = kiloliters*Kiloliters x 1000 = liters

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There is 1,000 liters in a cubic meter so 85 m3 = 85,000 L

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85 lbs. = 1,360 oz.

How many lbs is 85 kg?

The formula to convert 8.5 lbs to kg 8.5 lbs* 1 kg 2.2046 lbs = 3.855535145 kg

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56 liters is 1.98 cubic feet.

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85 L

How many cups is 85 liters?

It is approx 299 cups.

How gallons is 85 liters?

85 liters is equal to about 22.5 US gallons.

How many ounces in 8.5 liters?

85 liters = about 2,874 fluid ounces.