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A bus has no legs. A bus has wheels.

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Q: How many legs are in the bus?
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How many Legs are there inside the bus?

There are 14 legs on the bus.

How many legs are on the bus?

None. Buses don't have legs.

How many legs left on the bus Three people on a bus each have three baskets with three cats in them and three kitten to every cat 2 people get off how many legs are on the bus?

apparently 326 legs

How many legs are there in the bus?

There are 60. adverage.

Question How many legs are there in the bus?


4 girls are traveling on a bus with a basket each and in each basket there are 2 cats each cat has 2 little kittens how many legs are on the bus?

There are 74 legs in the bus. I'm going to say no legs are on the bus since buses don't have legs; they have wheels.

There are 7 girls in the bus. Every girl has got a 7 bags. How many legs are presented in the bus?

Girls legs ? There are 14 legs provided they all have the correct number of legs each.

There is a bus with 7 Girls How many legs are in the?


There is a bus with 4 children inside Each child has 4 bags Inside each bag there are 4 big cats Each big cat has 4 small cats How many legs are in the bus?

There are 1,288 legs in the bus.

If you have seven girls on a bus and each girl has seven back packs and in each back pack are seven big cats and for ever big cat there are seven little cats how many legs are on the bus?

10,990 legs on the bus if you do not count the bus driver.....if you count the bus driver then there were 10,992 legs on the bus.

There are 3 girls on a tourist bus and all of them hold 3 baskets in each hand and there are 3 cats in each basket and all of the cats have 3 kittens each. How many legs are there on the bus?

The answer to this common riddle is that there are no legs on the bus. A bus doesn't have legs, it has wheels.

If 7 girls on a bus each have 7 backpacks and in each backpack there are 7 big cats and for every big cat 7 little cats how many legs are on the bus?

There are 10,992 legs on the bus when including the kitten's, cat's, girl's, and the bus driver's legs.