The perimeter of the room - the total length around its edges - is 2*(10+15) = 50 units of length. It is not possible to give the answer in feet because the units for the measure of the room are not given.
There is 121 square feet in a 11'x11' room.
A 30ft x 14ft room = 420 square feet.
That room would be 169 s.f.
Divide it by the width in feet. For example, if a red carpet has an area of 9000 square feet, and its width is 10 feet, so its length is 9000/10 900 linear feet. If you mean how do you convert square feet into linear square feet, just change the units. Let's take an example.If you have a 10' x 10' room, it is 10' x 10' 100 square feet. If you change the units from square feet into linear squarefeet, you'll have 100 linear square feet. That means if you are tiling the room with 1' x 1' tiles, you'd need 100 of them, and if you laid the tiles out end to end, you'd have 100 linear square feet.Aside from this thinking, you cannot convert area to linear measure without a "standard" or an "assumption" or "understanding" about it. Like with lumber, a board foot is a board 1" thick and 1' wide and 1' long, or 1 square foot in area. (Set aside thickness for this explanation.) A board 6" wide and 2' long is 1 board foot of lumber. Anyway, the assumption there is that the board is 1' in width. Again, we see some "standard" inserted to the quoted measurement so that what might appear to be a linear measure is actually something else. And that something else is a areameasure, with an understood width associated with it.
99 square feet !
150 square feet. This is an easy calculation - just multiply the length by the width. The answer is the number of square feet.
4*12 = 48 feet.
This question is simply asking for the perimeter of the room. This is 2(6+12) which is 36 ft.
The two are different units of measure. Linear feet is a distance BETWEEN two points. Square yards is an AREA, such as the area of a living room. Linear feet is one dimensional. Square yards is two dimensional.
'Linear feet' is a qualifier for a measurement. It means in your case 5,000 feet measured in a straight line, also known as a 'running measurement'. Here are a couple of examples: A. You wish to buy enough material to put wood trim around the ceiling of a room in your house. The room measures 10 feet by 15 feet. You need fifty linear feet of material. (2 walls x 10') + (2 walls x 15') = 50' B. You have a room that is 11 feet wide by 20 feet long and you go to the store to buy carpet. At the store you discover that the carpet is sold by the linear foot, not by the square yard. The roll of carpet is 12 feet wide. You need 20 linear feet of carpet off the roll. (You would trim the extra foot of width off to make it fit.)
That depends on how wide your board is. A six inch wide board will need 25 x 25 x 2 (1250) linear feet to cover the area. A three inch wide board will need 25 x 25 x 4 (2500) linear feet to cover the area.
150 without any waste - typically you should expect 10% waste so buying 165 tile would be a good idea.
Twice as many as the number of people in the room.
The area of a room does not allow you to determine its linear dimensions. In mathematical terms (even not in real life), the room could be 10 ft by 15.5 feet or 1,000,000 ft by 0.000155 ft
150 without any waste - typically you should expect 10% waste so buying 165 tile would be a good idea.
Count the people in the room and multiply by 2. If you want to know how many SQUARE feet are in the room, multiply 13 times 22.
You don't without more information. Without knowing the length and width of the room or area linear feet has no meaning. Square footage is a measure of area and linear feet is only length or distance. If it is one foot wide then it would be 252 feet long. Or a million other lengths depending on the width and length of the area.