40 liters
An 1800cc pan can hold up to 1.8 liters of water. (divide cubic centimeters by 1,000 to get liters)
Well 22,000 grams, and 250 liters.
Either milliliters (small teacup) or liters (large teacup).
A tea cup can hold up to 5 liters
A fish tank would hold about 6 liters.
No, a tea cup will hold around 25cl to 30cl, way too small for 6 litres (600cl).
When teacup pigs pee they can pee up to 2 liters the reason why they are called teacup pigs are because when they are born they fit in a teacup. :)
It will hold up to about 7.57 liters.
40 liters
105.99153 liters ==
Honestly about 30 liters
Bird baths are stone structures placed in backyards that are filled with water. Some can hold many liters of water whereas some can barely hold a liter.
It can hold 12 liters of water.
40 Liters
A U.S. 6-quart container will hold approximately 5.68 liters.