Well, darling, there are 10,000,000 liters in 10,000 metric tons. So, if you're looking to swim in a pool of metric tons, you better have a whole lot of liters on hand. Hope that clears things up for you!
There can be no equivalence.
A ton is a measure of mass. A litre is a measure of volume. The two measure different things and, according to basic principles of dimensional analysis, conversion from one to the other is not valid.
If you are not convinced, consider a ton of air. How many litres? Next consider a ton of water. How many litres?
The volumes of equal masses of the two substances will clearly be very different. So there is no direct conversion between mass and volume: you need to know the density of the substance to enable you to carry out the conversion.
The answer will depend on what the condensate is of.
A weight of !,000 kilograms equals one metric ton. Liters are a measure of volume, not weight.
45 US tons is 40.82 metric tons.
its 5.927 sextillion metric tons
A tonne is a metric ton, so you are asking "How many kilos in 1 metric metric tons (sic)?" Anyway, ignoring the redundant word (and the plural of ton), 1 tonne = 1000 kg.
you take all the metric tons...and out them over there ----->
Metric tons can't be converted to liters. Metric tons measure mass, while liters measure volume.
The answer will depend on what the condensate is of.
5 metric tons is equal to 5000 kilograms.
1 metric ton is equal to 1000 liters.
10000kg equates to 11.02 US tons or 9.842 UK tons.
There are 10 metric tons in 10,000 kg.
1 metric tonne = 1000 litres. But only when you mean pure water.
To convert 10,000 metric tons of petroleum motor spirit (PMS) to liters, you would need to know the density of PMS. If we assume a density of around 0.75 kilograms per liter, then 10,000 metric tons would be approximately 13.3 million liters.
If you mean 5 short tons (US), then you're absolutely right.However, if you mean metric tons, then not.5 metric tons = 11023,113 pounds
Approximately 1.27 metric tons of Low Pour Fuel Oil (LPFO) is equivalent to 1,000 liters.
A weight of !,000 kilograms equals one metric ton. Liters are a measure of volume, not weight.