1 kiloliter = 1,000 liters When you're working with units of measurement, the prefix "kilo ..." almost always means "1,000".
A decaliter is 10 liters, be definition. Hence, 30 decaliters is 300 liters. If you're using units of 2 liters, then you can fit 2 liters 150 times into 30 decaliters. 30 decaliters * (10 liters/decaliter) = 300 liters 300 liters / 2 liters = 150 units of 2 liters.
The volume of a jug can vary depending on its size and design. However, a common size for a jug is around 1 gallon, which is equivalent to approximately 3.785 liters. Therefore, in general, 1 jug is roughly equivalent to 3.785 liters.
Oh, dude, you're hitting me with the big math questions, huh? So, like, there are 4 75cl bottles in a 3-liter bottle. It's like converting your fancy wine bottle into a more relatable size for us regular folks. Cheers to that!
There is no standard size of bucket; the number of millilitres which fit in a given bucket vary from bucket to bucket.
2 litres of water would fit
i dont know american foolish idiots
You can not measure the number of liters with just the weight of the bowl. You would need to know the size of it.
12 liters is about 3.170 US gallons.
About 10,500 would fit.
1 kiloliter = 1,000 liters When you're working with units of measurement, the prefix "kilo ..." almost always means "1,000".
227.125 Liters.
70.548 ounces 'fit' in 2 litres.
About 14.1
There are many portable external hard drives which would fit into most standard size pockets.