An ohm is a unit of electrical resistance. A kilohm is 1,000 ohms resistance, while a megohm is 1,000,000 ohms resistance.
1000 ohms are in a kilohm. Think about it as kilo meaning thousand. It makes sense in the metric system. One kilogram Sugar equals 1000 grams of sugar. Same with Ohm. One kilohm equals 1000 ohm.
3500 Ohms
1 ohm is 0.001 kiloohm
33 kilohms = 0,033 megohms
The symbol for kiloohm (or kilohm) is kΩ.
There are 23 397.002 ten thousands in 23 397 002
.002 millimeters
.002 g
The Digi 002, which is a Pro Tools recording interface made by Digidesign, has four mic preamps.