The average distance from the Earth to the Moon is about 384,400 kilometers. In meters, this is:
384,400 kilometers × 1,000 meters/kilometer = 384,400,000 meters.
So, the average distance to the Moon is approximately 384.4 million meters.
384,400,000 miters
The average distance from Earth to the Moon is about 384,400 kilometers (384,400,000 meters or 38,440,000,000 centimeters).
It is kilometres, not killer meters. It is Costa Rica, not coster rica. And it is about a quarter of a million miles, if you start from the moon.
The Moon is so far away that if you move a few meters, or even kilometers, the direction of the Moon won't change appreciably.The Moon is so far away that if you move a few meters, or even kilometers, the direction of the Moon won't change appreciably.The Moon is so far away that if you move a few meters, or even kilometers, the direction of the Moon won't change appreciably.The Moon is so far away that if you move a few meters, or even kilometers, the direction of the Moon won't change appreciably.
ok so basically, a squirrel weighs .0056 kilometers. but if you take to into consideration the corealis effect, the gravitational forces the moon applies (is it a full moon, half moon, blue moon etc.), as well as how many nuts the squirrel has consumed, the squirrel weighs about 1.35 meters. hope this helps!
Its is 3 474.8 kilometres
The area of Moon's Hill Quarry is 34,200.0 square meters.
The area of Moon-sur-Elle is 9,840,000.0 square meters.
About 356344000 meters at closest point and 405503000 at farthest point. The average is about 405516500 meters.
The speed of sound on the moon is about 1,640 meters per second, compared to around 343 meters per second on Earth. This difference is due to the moon's lack of atmosphere, which affects the propagation of sound waves.
A meter is a measure of distance. There are 1000 meters in a kilometer. Thus 63000000 meters is 63,000 kilometers. To understance the scale of that distance, the average distance from Earth to the Moon is 384,400 km so it is about 1/6 of the distance to the Moon.
it is 238857000 steps from the earth to the moon walking