Cuba has a total land area of approximately 42,426 square miles. To convert this to acres, we can use the fact that one square mile is equal to 640 acres. Therefore, the total land area of Cuba is roughly 27,129,600 acres.
One cannot determine how many miles a thousand acres is because miles and acres are completely different measurements. Acres measure area and miles measure distance. They cannot be compared.
1 square mile = 640 acres 2 square miles = 1,280 acres 3 square miles = 1,920 acres . . . 540 square miles = 345,600 acres
1,600 acres in 2.5 square miles.
24 acres = 0.0375 square miles.
Answer: 2500 acres = 3.90625 mi²
.12 miles.
Arizona has a total area of 113,998 square miles.
Utah's land area is 82,139.7825 square miles or 52,569,460.8 acres.
138240 acres
Approx 7238,230 acres.
It is not possible to determine the distance in miles to 5 acres, as acres measure land area rather than distance. Acreage is a unit of measurement for land, not distance.
Rwanda has a total land area of approximately 9,700 square miles, which is equivalent to around 6.2 million acres.
America is a country that has about 11.77 acres per person. The total is nearly 651 million acres of land.
18.75 square miles. A "section" of land contains 640 acres and is equal to 1 square mile.
114006 square miles times 640 acres in a square mile is 72,963,840 acres.
There are 640 acres in a square mile and 1.5 by .5 miles is .75 square miles. Therefore, there are 480 acres in a piece of land 1.5 by .5 miles.