7 months, 15 days are 32688 minutes, 328320 minutes, 329760 minutes or 331200 minutes depending upon which are the 7 months and if it is a leap year.
An "average" based on the total minutes for one year is approx 328403 minutes.
465 days is about 15 months (15.28 months, about 15 months and 8 days). There is no fixed number of days per month, although there are exactly 12 per year for an average of 30.4 days per month.
One hour 15 minutes and 46 seconds if you're referring to the album. If you are referring to real life then its 27 years 4 months and 15 days.
There are 180 months in 15 years, and just in case you were wondering, that's 5,478 days.
No, 90 days is 3 months. A year and 3 months is 15 months or 450 days (using 30 days as a month).
.25 would be 15 minutes.
15 months = 657,000 minutes.
15 months = 657,000 minutes.
there is approximately 450 days in 15 months! :)
there is approximately 450 days in 15 months! :)
9 Months 15 days
15 days.
15 months is around 456.552748 days.
15 [minutes]*1 [hour]/60 [minutes]*1 [day]/24 [hours] = 0.0104 days.
15 018 days.
It depends which months. Different months have different numbers of days. There are a maximum of 458 days and a minimum of 454
From Thursday, May 10, 1990 to Monday, April 25, 2011 is: 20 years 11 months 15 days or 20.957 years or 251.484 months or 7,655 days or 183,720 hours or 11,023,200 minutes or 661,392,000 seconds
465 days is about 15 months (15.28 months, about 15 months and 8 days). There is no fixed number of days per month, although there are exactly 12 per year for an average of 30.4 days per month.