365 days times 24 hours/day x 60 minutes/hr x 10 years = 5,256,000 hours
add 2 days for leap year = 2 x 24 x 60 = 2880 minutes
total = 5256000 + 2880 = 5,258,880 minutes
10 years = 5,256,667 minutes.
528480 min. with 2 leap years
A decade is 10 years
Assume that odd days refers to the number of the day in the year then in both a leap year and a non-leap year there are 183 odd days, totaling, for a decade, to 1830 odd days.
There 10 years in a decade.
10 years = 3652.3 days = 87655.2 hours = 5259312 min (including 2.5 days for leap years).
It's not really a decade if you exclude leap years, but 365 x 10 = 3650.
1,576,800 if there are no leap years. If one of the 3 years is a leap year then it is 1,578,240 minutes.
In 10 years and including 2 leap years there are 87,648 hours.
87648 that's including the leap years
Since each year is 365 days (except in Leap years) and there are 10 years in a decade , there are 10x 365 day + 2 or 3 leap days, depending on which 10 years you choose. So... 3652 or 3653 days in a decade.
2 half way to the next. 2 because it takes 4 years for every leap year to commence
10 years = 5,256,667 minutes.
5,258,880 minutes.
Decade = 10 years. So total number of days = 10*365 (ordinary days per year) + 2 leap days =3652 days
528480 min. with 2 leap years