About 365.25 days are in each year and 366 in a leap year ( to even up that extra .25 that accumulates each year).
So There are 1440 minutes in a day. (60x24) Therefore there are 525960 minutes in 1 year (1440x365.25) So in 10 years there are 5259600 minutes. (525960x10) But don't forget to add two leap year days of 1440x2= 2880.
So the correct full answer is 5262480. Edit: This is incorrect. If one counts a year as 365.25 days, a leap year should not be included. In the standard calendar year, 365 days exist. The leap year is added every 4th year to account for the fraction of a day that isn't counted. The mistake above is that the leap year is being counted twice. The correct answer is 5,259,600 minutes in 10 years (60 * 24 * 365.25 * 10). Note that this is based on a Julian year.
Source: http://www.regenstrief.org/medinformatics/ucum
That is the exact answer, but it depends on how advanced your maths lesson is and how exact you want to be. Very basic version is as follows. 1440 mins in 1 day x 365 = 525600. Gives 1 year in minutes at the basic 365 day year. Multiplied by 10 gives you 5256000 minutes. However there are two leap years in this time with an extra day which gives you an extra 1440 minutes x2. This is 2880. Add this to your total of 5256000 and it gives you 5258880. In conclusion, as you can see there are two very different numbers and different ways of working it out. The first one is the exact correct number, but the second one is probably the right answer in school use since at a basic school level of maths a day is a fixed 365 and is not a second more. Whereas in the real world, it is not.
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528480 min. with 2 leap years
10 before to 15 after = 25 minutes
Ten There are ten years in a decade.
there are 321,776,000 seconds in ten years (excluding leap years)
According to Einstein's famous Theory of Relativity, the answer depends on the observer's frame of reference, and it can be different for different observers. If the observer is sitting on a hot soldering iron or standing on a campfire, then ten minutes appears to be many years long. If the observer's girl friend is sitting on his lap, then ten minutes appears to be shorter than the bit time on a multi- gigabit fiber trunk. Everything is relative to the individual observer. It could be stimated by an activity. for instance, If you want to hold your breath for ten minutes is long but if you are having fun doing something, ten minutes is a very short time.
There are 3652 or 3653 days in ten years depending on the number of leap years in the ten year period. Similarly there are 5,258,880 minutes or 5,260,320 minutes.
528480 min. with 2 leap years
10 before to 15 after = 25 minutes
In sixteen minutes it will be as many minutes before 3 P.M. as it was after 2 P.M. ten minutes ago. What time is it?
10 months = 438,290.6 minutes.
110 minutes is ten minutes less than two hours. 110 seconds is ten seconds less than two minutes.
Ten Years After is a British blues rock band formed in 1967. They have released multiple albums throughout their career, with their most successful being "A Space in Time" in 1971. This album achieved gold status in the United States, selling over 500,000 copies. While the exact number of records sold by Ten Years After may vary across their discography, "A Space in Time" remains their best-selling album.
Ten There are ten years in a decade.
The answer is ten
46,810,440 minutes
there are 321,776,000 seconds in ten years (excluding leap years)