Divide Km trav. by time spent travelling, in hours. If car was driven for 20 minutes and went 30km, for example, then 30km / 0.333 hrs = 90 km per hr.
90 kph = 25 m/s
30km/h = 30km/60min = 5km/10min 20km/h = 20km/60min = 10km/30min 5+10=15km
232 minutes
There are 133 minutes
Easy - 20 minutes is one-third of an hour, and the bus traveled 30km. Multiply that 30km by three and that gives the total distance it would travel in one hour. Answer is an average speed of 90kmh.
Average Speed!!
30000 m
30 minutes or half an hour.
30km are 30000meters
Divide Km trav. by time spent travelling, in hours. If car was driven for 20 minutes and went 30km, for example, then 30km / 0.333 hrs = 90 km per hr.
30km is equal to 3,000,000cm
90 kph = 25 m/s
Convert 30km into m = 30000km 30000m/7m = x amount x amount / 60 seconds to convert to minutes 71.42minutes (2dp)