.002 mL
It depends on the can. The most common cans are the ones that can hold 330ml or 355ml, but there are different types of cans and one can find out how much ml that are in a can by looking at the side of the can. It should say how much ml it can hold.
A 35L can would be big enough to hold 17.5 two-liter bottles of soda, so unless this soda can is part of some kind of advertising display, that's almost certainly not the right answer.
3400 ml
591.47 ml 1 ounce = 29.57 ml 1 ml = 0.03 ounce
.002 mL
The precise weight of baking soda in grams per milliliter will depend on the density of the particular baking soda. However, for general baking soda, the density is around 2.2 g/mL, so 2.5 mL would roughly be about 5.5 grams.
First things first, get a calculator and multiply 355 by 2. BUT, if you don't know how to use a calculator or how to simply multiply, it would be 710 ml3552___710
A milliliter is a thousandth of a liter, so since 500 is half of a thousand, 500 ml is half a liter. So one liter of soda can fill a half liter sized glass twice - if you don't spill any. Pour carefully!
The can of soda has a density of about 0.774 g/mL
it equals..... 2.010 liters A.KISS
4,258.6 milliliters.
12 oz = 354.88 ml
A 16 oz bottle of soda contains approximately 473 mL.
Yes, an average soda can is 355 ml.