184 days
184 days.
In the last 6 months of 2010 ( July to December) there are 184 days.
184 days.184 days.184 days.184 days.184 days.184 days.184 days.184 days.184 days.184 days.184 days.
From January 1 - June 30 (6 months) there were 181 days. From July 1 - December 31 (6 months) there were 184 days.
August, September, October, November, December and January total 184 days.
31+31+30+31+30+31 = 184 days in total.
31+31+30+31+30+31 = 184 days in total.
There are 4416 hours in 184 days.184 x 24 = 4416.
184 days / 7 days/week = 26 weeks, remainder 2 days
That will depend on the 6 months. It can be anything from 181 to 184 days. For example, in a non-leap year you have the follow sets: From the start of January to the end of June is 181 days. From the start of February to the end of July is 181 days. From the start of March to the end of August is 184 days. From the start of April to the end of September is 183 days. From the start of May to the end of October is 184 days. From the start of June to the end of November is 183 days. From the start of July to the end of December is 184 days. In a leap year January to June and February to July would both be 182 days.
It depends on what six months you use. It can vary from 181 days (Jan - June / Feb-July / Sept-Feb) to 184 (May-October / July-Dec / Aug-Jan). But as a generic term, six months is half a year which is 182.5 days or 183 days in leap years.