An average of 4.29 mph.
Average speed is about 6 mph.
It takes 15 minutes.
It takes about 2 minutes and 24 seconds at a steady 25 mph.
1 hour = 60 min so each one mile = 1 min when 60 mph there for 17 miles will be 60/50*17= 20.40 min.
6 MPH.
60 mph = 1 mile per minute
An average of 4.29 mph.
1 hour 30 minutes.
You must average at least 4 mph over the 1-mile distance to achieve a time of 15 minutes.
Average speed is about 6 mph.
About a two-minute savings.A 10-mile trip at:50 mph takes 12 minutes60 mph takes 10 minutes 1 second.
Speed = distance / time.15 mph = 1 / time.time = 4 minutes.
It takes about 2 minutes and 24 seconds at a steady 25 mph.
1/5 hour = 12 minutes
If you travel at 6.5 mph for 5 minutes you will cover about 1/2 mile.