1.5 days = 1.29600 × 1014 nanoseconds.
An eon is typically defined as one billion years. To convert this to nanoseconds, we need to consider that one second is equal to one billion nanoseconds. Therefore, one eon would be equivalent to one billion years multiplied by one billion nanoseconds per year, giving us one quintillion nanoseconds in an eon.
None. It's a trick question. Light travels in firsts.
I could write 1 femtosecond as "1 femtosecond" : not a zero in sight. or as 0.000001 nanoseconds (6 zeros) or .000001 nanoseconds (5 zeros) 1 fs = 10-15 seconds so there are 14 0s between the decimal point and the 1.
How many hours does it take to get to 4.5 billion km
The Earth is 500 light-seconds from the Sun. One second is 10^9 nanoseconds.
473,099,999,999,999,936 nanoseconds.
3.1536E+24 nanoseconds.
There are 86,400,000,000,000 nanoseconds in one day.
There are one billion nanoseconds in one second.
1 microsecond = 1,000 nanoseconds.
Six years = 1.89216e17 nanoseconds.
20,000,000,000 nanoseconds = ~0.333 minutes.
9.5 years = 299,629,999,999,999,936 nanoseconds.
24 hours = 86,400,000,000,000 Nanoseconds
There are 31,536,000,000,000 nanoseconds in a year.
1.5 days = 1.29600 × 1014 nanoseconds.