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There are 3 noughts in 45,000

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Q: How many noughts are there in forty five thousand?
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How many noughts in three thousand?

There are 3 noughts in 3,000

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Forty five thousand

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Five of them as in 1,500,000 = 1.5 million

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As a number it is: 10,000 which has 4 noughts

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Forty-five million six hundred thousand divided by one hundred thousand is four hundred fifty-six (456).

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480 hundred are there in forty eight thousand

How many noughts in a gigabyte?

You mean how many zeros in a gigabyte, the answer is 9 as a gigabyte is written as 1,000,000,000 which is one thousand million

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Forty Thousand Billion=40,000,000,000,000 so there are 13 zeros i think...

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what you can do, is you can figure out how many minutes in an hour. Obviously, sixty. Then multiply that by how many hours there is in a day (there are twenty-four hours in a day). One thousand four hundred and forty. After that, multiply twelve by three hundred and sixty-five, though every leap year, three hundred and sixty-six. That leaves you with the mighty number, five hundred and twenty- five thousand six hundred minutes, but in a leap year, five hundred and twenty-seven thousand and forty minutes. There you go!

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five thousand five thousand five thousand five thousand

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