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Seven in Alaska, eight in Oregon, and twelve in Washington. In other words, it varies.

In Australia, there is six representing each state nationwide.

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Q: How many numbers are on a driver's license number?
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Related questions

How many numbers on drivers license?

Varies by jurisdiction.

What is looking up a driver's license number?

A drivers license number is the number on your drivers license which is needed for many things. Only authorized people have access to this number so a random person cannot 'look up' your drivers license number

How can I look up a drivers license number?

There are many websites and it really depends on your location. For example: if you live in Ontario you can go to swag search tool and type in: Ontario drivers license number lockup. This will give you many websites but out of all those websites the best site to check your license number will be:

How many chances you get to pass drivers license?

In most countries there is no limit to the number of attempts you can make

How many months do you have to be in drivers ed to get a Drivers Permit and how long do you have to wait to get a official drivers license?

You will have to be in drivers ed for approximately 6 months before you can get a drivers license.

What happens if someone attains your driver's license number Im 19 and it was my first car crash and they asked for my License drivers number I just realized it's not safe is it what should I do?

You should not worry needlessly, you are obligated by the laws of many(all?) states to disclose this information when involved in a collision. Very few (if any) credit or banking records are kept by drivers license numbers, and the information contained in the DMV files is "public record" anyway.

How many parents have a drivers license?


What is the penalty for too many points on your drivers license?

you get fined and lose license

Hold on a drivers license?

A person can get a hold put on their drivers license for many reasons. This includes getting a DUI, reckless driving and many other offenses.

If name is changed legally do you get new license number?

It may depend on the state in question. Many states base their drivers license numbers on the drivers Social Security number (even though they are not the same) - the assigned number is known as a "soundex." If your SSN does not change (which it probably won't) the soundex will also remain the same. NOTE; This is NOT a way to wipe out your past DMV drivers history - the record itself will be cross-indexed to you no matter what you do with your name - the same as what happens when married women assume their husband's last name.

How many points on the drivers license do you start with?


How many digits are on Alabama drivers license?