99, 101
The sum is 7268. * * * * * No. It is 7399. 7500 if 101 is included.
There are 48.
There are 44 odd numbers between the two.
Between the two numbers there are 49.
99, 101
The sum is 7268. * * * * * No. It is 7399. 7500 if 101 is included.
There are 101 numbers between 0 and 100. Because it starts with an even number and ends with an even number, there is 1 less odd number than even. So 51 even and 50 odd.
101 to 199 give 50 odd numbers. Their sum is 7,500.[I'm not too certain that the question meant 'the average total'? But, the odd numbers average total would be 7,500 ÷ 50 = 150]
There are 48.
how many odd numbers is there between 20 and 158
101 and 103