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Q: How many of the first 30 numbers of the Fibonacci sequence are odd?
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Where did the Fibonacci Numbers first appear?

Fibonacci numbers have always been around. Many scholars believe the concept was first noticed by mathematicians of India. Leonardo of Pisa (known as Fibonacci) first introduced the sequence to Western European mathematics in a 1202 book entitled LiberAbici, thus the sequence bears his name.

How does the Fibonacci sequence work?

The Fibonacci sequence is a series of integers where each number is the sum of the preceeding two numbers, and the first two numbers in the series is 0 and 1. The first 10 numbers in the series are 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34.Some definitions start the series at 1 and 1, omitting the 0.The ratio of two sequential Fibonacci numbers, as the numbers get large, approaches phi, which is the golden mean, (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2, or about 1.61803. There are many, many other uses, as well as observations of the sequence in nature.Fibonacci numbers get large very quickly, so generating more than a few of them requires an arbitrary decimal math library. In particular, the 47th number in the sequence is 2,971,215,073, which is the largest Fibonacci number that can be stored in a 32-bit unsigned binary integer, and the 93rd term is 12,200,160,415,121,876,738, which is the largest possible in 64-bit.

Who is Leonardo Pisano Fibonacci?

He is a famous mathematician, He created the numbers we use today. He wrote a book also, called, Liber Abbaci. Meaning 'Book of Calculating'. He created a sequence. You can find this sequence in many places, Mostly in nature. You can also find Fibonacci numbers in nature. You can find Fibonacci in the human body too. The sequence is 1 + 1 = 2 1 + 2 = 3 2 + 3 = 5 3 + 5 = 13 You take the last two numbers and add them to get a new number and add those two this sequence never stops. Most people cannot recite the first 20 Fibonacci Numbers. This will help you find the correct answer if you try it and do not get these numbers you did something wrong. 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, 17711, 28657, 46368...You Welcome for this answer if you have trouble or any corrections please contact me. My user name is South031796. If you have any concerns or additions please tell me I am doing this for Science Fair and need to know any further information. Thank You South031796

Why is what Fibonacci did important?

he came up with the Fibonacci sequence1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584 ... into infinity.each pair of numbers equals the next. ie 1+1 =2,1+2=3, 2+3=5 and so on Very cool,, actually if i remember my Disney cartoons about numbers created way back in the day, this mathematical sequence can be seen in many places within nature. For instance the spiral shape of a snail shell follows a Fibonacci sequence....

What are the uses of Fibonacci numbers in daily life?

The Fibonacci sequence is not so much used as that it appears in thousands of places in the natural world. However the Fibonacci numbers and principle is also used in the financial markets. It is used in trading algorithms, applications and strategies. "The bee ancestry code Fibonacci numbers also appear in the description of the reproduction of a population of idealized bees, according to the following rules: * If an egg is laid by an unmated female, it hatches a male. * If, however, an egg was fertilized by a male, it hatches a female. Thus, a male bee will always have one parent, and a female bee will have two. If one traces the ancestry of any male bee (1 bee), he has 1 female parent (1 bee). This female had 2 parents, a male and a female (2 bees). The female had two parents, a male and a female, and the male had one female (3 bees). Those two females each had two parents, and the male had one (5 bees). This sequence of numbers of parents is the Fibonacci sequence.[" (Wikipedia) They are also used in music. they occur on the leaves of sunflowers, and many others. It is also relevant to the leaf growth on certain plants. That means that the first year those plants grow one new leaf, the second year they grow one new leaf, the third year they grow two new leaves, the fourth year they grow three new leaves, the fifth year they grow five new leaves, the sixth year they grow eight new leaves, and so on..... The pattern 1,1,2,3,5,8, the Fibonacci sequence. In right triangles, for all triangles with integer sides, (3, 4, 5), (5,12 ,13) and so on have a Fibonacci Number as the hypotenuse.

Related questions

Where did the Fibonacci Numbers first appear?

Fibonacci numbers have always been around. Many scholars believe the concept was first noticed by mathematicians of India. Leonardo of Pisa (known as Fibonacci) first introduced the sequence to Western European mathematics in a 1202 book entitled LiberAbici, thus the sequence bears his name.

Why did Fibonacci create the Fibonacci Sequence?

I think Fibonacci wanted to find how many swirls or petals were on a flower ....... most of them are Fibonacci numbers....i think.... doin a projct......= )

Is the number 8 a palindrome or Fibonacci sequence?

Any single digit number is a palindrome. The Fibonacci sequence consists of infinitely many numbers so 8, being only one number, cannot be the Fibonacci sequence.

What is the name of a plant that shows the Fibonacci numbers in the number of growing points that it has?

The sunflower plant displays the Fibonacci sequence in the arrangement of its seeds within its seed head. The seeds are arranged in two interconnecting spirals, with their numbers typically following the Fibonacci sequence.

What is the upper bound of the sum of the elements in the Fibonacci sequence?

There is no upper bound to the sum of the numbers in the Fibonacci sequence; both the last number in the series and consequently the sum of all these numbers can be made as large as desired by continuing the series to sufficiently many numbers.

How does the Fibonacci sequence work?

The Fibonacci sequence is a series of integers where each number is the sum of the preceeding two numbers, and the first two numbers in the series is 0 and 1. The first 10 numbers in the series are 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34.Some definitions start the series at 1 and 1, omitting the 0.The ratio of two sequential Fibonacci numbers, as the numbers get large, approaches phi, which is the golden mean, (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2, or about 1.61803. There are many, many other uses, as well as observations of the sequence in nature.Fibonacci numbers get large very quickly, so generating more than a few of them requires an arbitrary decimal math library. In particular, the 47th number in the sequence is 2,971,215,073, which is the largest Fibonacci number that can be stored in a 32-bit unsigned binary integer, and the 93rd term is 12,200,160,415,121,876,738, which is the largest possible in 64-bit.

What is the next in this sequence 112358?

There are many possible answers. One obvious one is 13, the next number in the Fibonacci Sequence that yields the golden mean.

Why is the fibbonacci sequence special?

There is no fibbonacci sequence. The Fibonacci sequence was devised as a relatively simple growth sequence. It has the property that the ratio of the numbers of the sequence divided by the preceding number in the sequence tends towards phi, the Golden Ratio = [1 + √5]/2 which has important geometric properties.Also, there are very many instances in nature where the Fibonacci sequence may be found.

When and how is the Fibonacci Sequence used?

The Fibonacci sequence is used for many calculations in regards to nature. The Fibonacci sequence can help you determine the growth of buds on trees or the growth rate of a starfish.

What is the answer to Fibonacci's rabbit puzzle?

Depends on how many months you want it to go on...But the Fibonacci Number is1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21......You just add the last two numbers together to get the next number.The sequence starts with 0 and 1

Who was Fibonacci?

Leonardo Pisano Fibonacci, or Leonardo of Pisa, was a famous mathematician, who introduced the modern numeric system that many nations use nowadays, born and raised in Italy. Alongside introducing numbers, he developed the now famous Fibonacci Sequence, which adds together the two previous numbers in the sequence; 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, etc.

How many Fibonacci numbers are there?
