Oh, dude, you want the binary code for "boy" in ASCII-7? Like, sure, I could tell you that, but why not just Google it? It's not like I have the entire ASCII table memorized in my brain or anything. But hey, if you're into that kind of stuff, knock yourself out!
Ascii value of 5 is 53.
Packed decimal is a method used in computing to store more in less space. A bit of theory here. Characters are stored in binary in their ASCII representation, such that the number 1 = ascii 49 (decimal). Packed decimal means you can store two numbers (numbers only) in the same space, so that ascii 49 = numbers 4 and 9. There is overhead so it is always a trade off between space and computing. And storage is cheap these days
10101110 = 174 = AE = ® binary = decimal = HEX = ASCII
No.ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. It couldn't be called a standard if it varied from machine to machine.Note that this only applies to the core ASCII values. Some machines/programs/formats will use a subset or extended set of ASCII codes.
The ASCII adjust instructions in the 8086 microprocessor are used to implement CARRY processing when numeric data is represented in an unpacked form in ASCII. With them, you can create arbitrary precision math operations. The three flavors of data are binary, decimal (packed) and ASCII (decimal unpacked), not including floating point.
ASCII is code in which computer programs are written . it is the computer machine language.if write a program in any computer language thaen it will be converted in this code.
A source file is typically a readable, Ascii file, that is not the result of a compiler or translator to binary machine code.
Technically, ASCII Decimal 10 is a ASCII (decimal) 10 is a linefeed character, or Vertical tab. ASCII Decimal 13 is a carriage return. If you happen to be using a very old teletype Machine, a ASCII 10 will move you down 1 line, but leave you the same distance from the left margin. ASCII 13 would send you to the left margin, but leave you in the same line. In modern practice, either 10 or 13, or both, will place your cursor on the first character of the next line. Note that some operating systems vary in this. This is why when you open a UNIX text document in a Windows Notepad, the document is a single line with boxes where the ASCII(13)s are, since Notepad only accepts ASCII(10) for line return.
Websites such as and provide ascii tables on their websites, along with toher information about ascii codes, their uses, and how to use them.
\ is the character for 92 in ASCII.
128 ascii codes.
Extended ASCII is 8-bit encoding which is wider than standard ASCII and also includes all characters from standard ASCII encoding.ASCII is 7-bit, 128 possible values; Extended ASCII is 8-bit , 256 possible value;128 first characters of Extended ASCII is the same as ASCII, next 128 are additional. This why it is called Extended ASCII.What is ASCII?ASCII is mainly English language characters encoding, that is used for representation of text information.
47 in BCD & ASCII