The rectangle's rotational symmetry is of order 2.
A square's rotational symmetry is of order 4;
the triangle has a symmetry of order 3.
Rotational symmetry is the number of times a figure can be rotated and still look the same as the original figure.
a rectangle has 2 axes of symmetry
There are 3 planes of symmetry in a rectange.
A rectangle has 2 axes of symmetry.
Normally none unless it in the shape of a rectangle which has 2 lines of symmetry
An order of symmetry is the number of times a line of symmetry can be drawn through a shape. For example, a square has four orders of symmetry: One up and down, one left and right, and two diagonal. A rectangle has an two orders of symmetry. A circle has an infinite number of orders of symmetry.
a rectangle has 2 axes of symmetry
A rectangle has 2 lines of symmetry
A rectangle has two lines of symmetry
How many lines of symmetry does a rectangle have
There are 3 planes of symmetry in a rectange.
symmetry in rectangle?
No but a rectangle does have 2 lines of symmetry