There are 16 ounces in one pound. The abbreviation for ounces is oz. The abbreviation for pounds is lb. So, there are 2 x16 ounces= 32 ounces (oz) in 2 pounds (lb).
16 ounces/lb 8 ounces / 16 ounces/lb = 1/2 lb
These days it is easier to convert to ounces, do the division and convert back to pounds and ounces: 1 lb = 16 oz → 8 lb 3 oz ÷ 3 = (8 × 16) + 3 oz / 3 = 131 oz ÷ 3 = 43⅔ oz = (2 × 16) + 11⅔ oz = 2 lb 11⅔ oz Alternatively, you can do the division as it stands, but convert fractions of pounds to ounces: 8 lb 3 oz ÷ 3 = 8 ÷ 3 lb 3 ÷ 3 oz = 2⅔ lb 1 oz = 2 lb ⅔ lb 1 oz = 2 lb ⅔ × 16 + 1 oz = 2 lb 11⅔ oz
There is 16 ounces to a pound. You divide 32 by 16. It would be 2 pounds.
One pound is 16 ounces, so two pounds is 32 ounces and larger than 27 ounces.
16 fluid ounces is 2 cups.
1 tablespoon = 1/2 oz 4 tablespoons = 2 0z
1 lb = 16 ounces 2 lbs = 32 ounces and add the 2 ounces to get 34 ounces
1 lb=16 oz, so 2 lb 2 oz = 16*2+2=34 oz
There are 16 ounces in one pound. The abbreviation for ounces is oz. The abbreviation for pounds is lb. So, there are 2 x16 ounces= 32 ounces (oz) in 2 pounds (lb).
That is 44 ounces
4 lb 6 oz = 70 oz1 lb = 16 oz4 lb = 16 * 4 = 64 oz4 lb 6 oz = 64 oz + 6 oz = 70 oz
There are 2 pounds in 32 ounces.
16 ounces/lb 8 ounces / 16 ounces/lb = 1/2 lb
the anwer is that 2.5 lbs=40 ounces
If you are using Avoirdupois measurement there are 2 pounds in 32 ounces.(1 lb = 16 oz) If you are using Troy ounces there are 2 and 2/3 Troy pounds in 32 ounces (1 lb=12oz)