There are 9 palindromic numbers between 400 and 500. A palindromic number reads the same forwards and backwards. The palindromic numbers in this range are 404, 414, 424, 434, 444, 454, 464, 474, and 484.
There are 22 numbers between 400 and 600 that are divisible by nine.
400 of them.
There are 300 whole numbers between 100 and 400, inclusive. To find this, you subtract 100 from 400 to get the total range of numbers (400 - 100 = 300). Then, since we're considering whole numbers, we add 1 to include the endpoints (400 and 100). Therefore, there are 300 whole numbers between 100 and 400.
There are thirty-nine palindromic numbers between 10 and 400. They are 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99, 101, 111, 121, 131, 141, 151, 161, 171, 181, 191, 202, 212, 222, 232, 242, 252, 262, 272, 282, 292, 303, 313, 323, 333, 343, 353, 363, 373, 383, and 393.
There are 22 numbers between 400 and 600 that are divisible by nine.
400 of them.
The sum of the number of digits in all the numbers between 31 and 400 inclusive is 1041.
If you write all of the counting numbers from 200 to 400,you will write the digit ' 5 ' forty times.