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I think that you can use simple math for this question. For Example, it takes 10 pennies to make 10 cents or a dime. It would take 50 pennies to make 50 cents or 2 quarters. It would take 100 pennies to make 1 dollar bill and 500 pennies to make 5 dollars

As we continue on this upward scale 20,000 pennies would make 200 dollars. 100,000 pennies would make 1000 dollars. 500,000 pennies would make it 5000 dollars. Do you see this trend?

So if we know that 100 pennies equal 1 dollar then 1,000,000 multiplied by 100 pennies will give me a product of 1 x 10^8 or 100,000,000 or 1 million dollars.


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