12ft*25ft = 300 square feet
228 square feet
Mt garden is16ft 12ft how many pieces of turf do I need
95,000 people sitting and 108,000 altogether
i would say 2 people maybe 3
I would guess about 3-4 kids but I have been on a 15 ft trampoline with 6 kids for 2 weeks strait and no one got hurt so it is really up to the supervisor.
See this Question is Answer less because many thousands , billions of people Trampoline so no one can find it...]
A tank this size can hold a maximum of 3,590.65 US gallons of water.
It is: 4 times 4 = 16 square yards
12ft x 12ft =144 ft2
12ft*25ft = 300 square feet
12ft * 12ft = 144sqft Answer: 144
Depends on the size of the flags.