according to my calculator if it would cost around $3 for each good sized meal then it will be enough to around 333333333, if $2 instead of $3 was used then it would be enough to 500000000
I asked this question, and i have found that approximately 75% to 80% of US dollars are outside of the US, if this is true then the value should be around 400 Billion dollars, but i dispute this and see a value into the trillionsAny help on this data would be beneficial.The future of US liquidity would be at risk if a major loss of dollar confidence or foreign dollar dealers such as china or middle eastern communities want to stop holding dollar reserves and trade with their own currency!! this could affect many things especially the FED a Central Bank (a corporate entity) Shareholder?Help on this appreciatedLatest 2011 figures source federal reserve10.9 Trillion Dollars in Circulation in US Money Supply. Federal Debt = 23.5 Trillion: Does This Add Up? well again if true then 75% of 10.9 trillion is 8.125 trillionDose that includes US debt in bonds other countries own?
One Mouth Is Fed was created in 1984.
i tried my best but fed up.
If the Fed raises the discount rate from five percent to ten percent, there would be less money supply. This is because it is a contractionary monetary policy.
Angle DEF is the same as angle FED.
average of 50 billion dollars
It depends on factors such as location, cost of food, and dietary needs. However, as a rough estimate, 1 billion dollars could potentially feed millions of people, especially if distributed efficiently through food distribution programs or aid organizations.
The Fed sells $5 billion worth of Treasury bonds on the open market.
Fed ex
20 dollars per hour
Corn, Corn fed cattle, Corn fed people who were fed on Corn fed cattle.
That’s false