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Q: How many points are needed to name a plane?
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How many points are used to name a plane?


How come two points are not enough to name a plane?

Because a place can rotate around those two points as long as the line in on the plane. Two points defines a line. A plane requires 3 points.

What is the name for a method of representing points in space?

Coordinate Plane

What is another name for plane V?

plane V can also be renamed by using three other points on the plane Chacha now

What is name is given to the set of your points in a plane that are the same distance form a given fixed points?

Its name shall be called "circle".

Name the plane figure in which all points are the same distance from the center?


Do planes have to have a name?

I am the smartest person alive! if you were then you would know the answer

What name is given to the set of all points in a plane that are the same distance from a given fixed point?

A circle.

How can you name a line and a plane?

Here is one option: 2 points uniquely define a line so a line can be named after any two points that belong to it. Similarly, three points that are not collinear (all in the same line) uniquely define a plane so a plane can be defined by naming any three non-collinear points in it. There are different - though related - forms in coordinate geometry or in vector algebra.

What is another name for a coordinate plane?

Another name for a coordinate plane is a Cartesian plane. It is named after the mathematician and philosopher René Descartes, who introduced the concept of using two perpendicular number lines to locate points in space. The horizontal line is called the x-axis, and the vertical line is called the y-axis. Points are located on the plane using ordered pairs (x, y).

A line that intersects two or more lines on a plane is a?

a line that intersects two or more lines on a plane is a

What was the name of her plane?

what was the name of her plane