Lets answer this using our understanding of currency.
We know for a fact that 4 quarters is equaled to 1 dollar. So if it takes 4 quarters to make 1 dollar we can multiple 600,000 by 4 to discover that amount of quarters we would need.
$600,000 * 4 = 2,400,000 quarters to equal $600,000
160 quarters 4 quarters = 1 dollar 160 quarters = 40 dollars
Forty of them.
Four million quarters
1 dollar = 4 quarters.50 dollars = 200 quarters.
32 quarters
160 quarters 4 quarters = 1 dollar 160 quarters = 40 dollars
4 million quarters
Forty of them.
it would take 82
Four million quarters
1 dollar = 4 quarters.50 dollars = 200 quarters.
11.75 / (1/4) = 11.75*4 = 47 quarters