how many questions can you miss on the ase test
To get a 70 to pass the test you can miss 37 questions.
You can miss 10% of questions, or 12 questions
Correctly answer 39 out of 46 questions
On a driving test you can only miss 30 points in the state of florida! On the written test you can only miss five questions!
how many questions can you miss on the ase test
25... you can miss four and still pass!
To get a 70 to pass the test you can miss 37 questions.
If the TABE test has 90 questions, how many I can miss to pass the test?
25 questions and u can only miss 5
You can miss 10% of questions, or 12 questions
There's like 46 questions. You can miss 7.
Correctly answer 39 out of 46 questions