Assuming you mean 70%, and also that all questions have the same value, start by calculating 70% of 130. This will give you the number of RIGHT answers you need. Round this up.
To get a 70 to pass the test you can miss 37 questions.
You can miss 31.5 questions. 105*70%(.70)=73.5 105-73.5= 31.5
Around 99 questions to get a straight 70.
3 out of 10
105 out of 150 is 70%. U can miss 45 questions for a 70%.
To get a 70 to pass the test you can miss 37 questions.
You can miss 31.5 questions. 105*70%(.70)=73.5 105-73.5= 31.5
Around 99 questions to get a straight 70.
Answering 63 questions correctly - is 70% of 90 questions.
3 out of 10
105 out of 150 is 70%. U can miss 45 questions for a 70%.
70% of 15 is 10.5 so it is 4.5 questions
24 of them.
It depends on the pass rate.
Hmm maybe 123