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Well, honey, if we're talking about getting a perfect score, you can't miss a single damn question out of those 52. But if you're aiming for a passing grade, you can usually afford to screw up a few and still come out looking somewhat decent. Just don't make a habit out of it, or you'll be seeing me for some tutoring real soon.

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12y ago

Let's make a table showing the percentages of correct answers:

  • 52/52 = 100%
  • 51/52 = 98%
  • 50/52 = 96%
  • 49/52 = 94%
  • 48/52 = 92%
  • 47/52 = 90%
  • 46/52 = 88%
  • 45/52 = 87%
  • 44/52 = 85%
  • 43/52 = 83%
  • 42/52 = 81%
  • 41/52 = 79%
  • 40/52 = 77%
  • 39/52 = 75%
  • 38/52 = 73%
  • 37/52 = 71% - Some will consider a 69% or below to be failure. (Last Passing Grade)
  • 36/52 = 69%
  • 35/52 = 67%
  • 34/52 = 65%
  • 33/52 = 64%
  • 32/52 = 62%
  • 31/52 = 60% - Some will consider a 59% or below to be failure. (Last Passing Grade)

At this point there is no need to continue on as most schools will consider anything below 59% to be an "F".

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Q: How many questions can you miss out of 52?
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52*28% = 14.56, so a minimum of 15 questions.

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Assuming that all questions score equally, you can miss out at most 7. And then need to get them all correct.

How many question can you miss to get a 70 percent on a 52 question test?

Making the very unlikely assumption that all the ones you do answer are correct and that there are no penalty points for incorrect answers, 52*30% = 15.6 so you can miss out at most 15 questions.Making the very unlikely assumption that all the ones you do answer are correct and that there are no penalty points for incorrect answers, 52*30% = 15.6 so you can miss out at most 15 questions.Making the very unlikely assumption that all the ones you do answer are correct and that there are no penalty points for incorrect answers, 52*30% = 15.6 so you can miss out at most 15 questions.Making the very unlikely assumption that all the ones you do answer are correct and that there are no penalty points for incorrect answers, 52*30% = 15.6 so you can miss out at most 15 questions.