86,400 seconds in a day
24 hours a day
1 day = 86.4 billion microseconds.
2880 half-minutes per day.
over 100,00
1000/60 = 16.67
one day on Mercury is approximetly 10 secends. one year on mercury is 80 days.
one day on mercury is approximetly 10 secends. one year on mercury is 80 days.
Need average speed and distance to calculate.
2 secends
on a rocket and blast of in 5,4,3,2,1 or five secends
No the fastest you can beat it is 1:34.
30 secends
A living human can eat 1/3 of a watermelon if the watermelon is small enough, but a human cant eat a whole in 3sec.
first you put hot water then put a bowl in the hot water in the bowl with nothing in it you put the slime in for 15 secends
a 2002 p71 crown Victoria has about 235 to 240 hp that mean the car will get up 0-60 in 7 secends