There are 3600 seconds in an hour. Therefore going at 3600 miles per hour is equivalent to 1 miles per second.
80.6666667 feet per second
1 hour = 3600 seconds. 15 cents per second = 15*3600 cents per hour = 15*36 dollars per hour = 540 dollars
44 feet per second = 30 mph
that is easy so if 60 seconds are in one hour and 60 minutes in a hour there is about 70 seconds in a hour and 10 minutes
3,600 seconds are in a hour
There are 3,600 seconds in one hour. To find how many tenths of a second are in one hour, we multiply 3,600 seconds by 10 (as there are 10 tenths in a whole unit). Therefore, there are 36,000 tenths of a second in one hour.
3600 second in one hour.
1 second equates to 0.0003 hours.
24km per hour is 62/3 metres per second.
4.7 metres per second is about 10.5 miles per hour.
14 400
The answer is 10'800.
70 miles per second is 252,000 miles per hour.
40 feet per second is 27.27 miles per hour.