There are exactly 144,000 seconds in a 40 hour work week. There are 2,400 minutes in 40 hours and 144,000 second in 2,400 minutes.
There is 604,800 seconds in one week
One week = 1,209,600 half-seconds.
There are 168 hours, or 10,080 minutes, or 604,800 seconds in a week.
Multiply all of the following:7 (days per week) 24 (hours per day)60 (minutes per hour)60 (seconds per minute)Multiply all of the following:7 (days per week)24 (hours per day)60 (minutes per hour)60 (seconds per minute)Multiply all of the following:7 (days per week)24 (hours per day)60 (minutes per hour)60 (seconds per minute)Multiply all of the following:7 (days per week)24 (hours per day)60 (minutes per hour)60 (seconds per minute)
35 x 7days/week x 24 hrs/day x 60 minutes/hr x 60 sec/ min= 21,168,000 seconds
144,000 seconds = 40 hours = 1 work week
A 40-hour work week consists of 2400 minutes, which is equivalent to 144,000 seconds.
1 week * 7 days/week * 24 hours/day * 60 minutes/hour * 60 seconds/minute = 604,800 seconds
There are 14,515,200 seconds in a week. There are 60 seconds in one minute. There are 60 minutes in one hour. There are 24 hours in one day. There are 7 days in one week.
Let's do the math: There are 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour--360 seconds in an hour--86,400 seconds in a day. There are seven days in a week, so 604,800 seconds in a week. So, 500,000 seconds is less than one week.
There are 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in a hour, 24 hours in a day, 7 days in a week. 60x60x24x7= 604,800 seconds in a week.
There are 604,800 seconds in a week.
There is 604,800 seconds in one week
1 week = 604,800 seconds.
One week = 1,209,600 half-seconds.
yes , the limit is 1 hour and 20 minutes and 10 seconds.
60(seconds)x60(minutes)= 3600 360,0 (seconds an hour)x 24 (hours) = 864,00 (seconds per day) 864,00 (seconds per day)x 7 (days a week) = 604,800 (seconds a week) 604,800 (seconds a week)x 7 (weeks) = 423,360,0 (seconds in 7 weeks) final answer, there are 4 million two hundred and thirty three thousand six hundred seconds in several weeks. (423,360,0)