4 to 5 seconds
4-5 seconds
One minute is 60 seconds. To figure out how many seconds are in 1 minute and 43 seconds, add 60 seconds to 43 seconds to get your answer.
820 seconds is always 820 seconds
230 seconds
From a few seconds up to 30 minutes.
4 to 5 seconds
I actually don't know. But it takes me about 30 minutes if I'm not sleepy. And if I'm tired it takes me about 5 seconds.
It can last anywhere from 120 - 1200 seconds.
Pain can last for a whole day if you wanted it to
10s seconds
Pull off the road at a safe place and nap
The First Airplane Lasted 12 seconds in the air.
It was two to three minutes.
When you stay up for a long period of time, you may experience points where you fall sleep for somewhere between a fraction of a second to 30 seconds. This is called microsleep, and you'll probably experience it at some point if you pull multiple all-nighters consecutively.
The ventricular systole lasts for about 0.3 seconds, during which time the ventricles of the heart contract to push blood out into the arteries.