60 seconds in a minute.
60 minutes in an hour, so 60 * 60 = 3600 seconds in an hour
24 hours in a day, so 24 * 3600 = 86400 seconds in a day
365 days in a year, so 365 * 86400 = 31536000 seconds in a year
There are about 31.5 million seconds in a year.
63072000 seconds for a regular year, but 63244800 seconds in a leap year.
31,557,600 seconds
2524554080 seconds!
Type your answer here... Assuming that there are 365 days in a year, there will be 1,892,160,000 seconds in a year...
There are about 31.5 million seconds in a year.
1 year = 31,556,926 seconds
there are 365 seconds in a year. START COUNTING!!!!!
1 year = 31,556,000 seconds (rounded)
31536000 seconds for a common year and 31622400 seconds for a leap year
31536000 seconds, 31622400 in a leap year.
63072000 seconds for a regular year, but 63244800 seconds in a leap year.
One year is equivalent to approximately 31,536,000 seconds.
There are 31,536,000 seconds in a normal calender year.
A year only as about 30 million seconds.
31,556,926 seconds
31,556,926 seconds.