1 minute, 40 seconds. Just over a minute and a half.
51 seconds
43200 seconds / 60 seconds in a minute / 60 minutes in an hour = 12 otherwise known as half a day
Ah, what a lovely question! You see, a minute has 60 seconds in it. When we take three sixths of a minute, we are looking at half of a minute, which is 30 seconds. So, three sixths of a minute equal 30 seconds. Just remember, every moment is a chance to create something beautiful!
1 minute 45 seconds OR 105 seconds OR 105,000 miliseconds OR 105,000,000 microseconds OR 1,050,000,000 nanoseconds OR 105,000,000,000,000 picoseconds
30 seconds in half a minute (there are 60 seconds in a minute)
90 seconds
108,030 seconds.
30 seconds is half a minute (0.5 minutes), as there are 60 seconds in a full minute.
30 seconds in 1/2 minute.
There are no minutes in half a minute. - In one minute there are 60 seconds. - In half a minute there are 30 seconds. - In one hour there are 60 minutes. - In half an hour there are 30 minutes.
30 seconds are one half minute. 60 seconds are one minute.
5400 seconds. ************************ 60 seconds = 1 minute 60 minutes = 1 hour so 1 and a half hours is 1.5x60x60= 5400 BUT I read question as 1 hour (60x60=3600seconds) plus half minute (0.5x60 = 30 seconds) so total is 3660 seconds
4.5hours*60minutes/hour*60seconds/minute = 1620 seconds
There are 60 seconds in a minute, so 12 minutes would have 12 x 60 = 720 seconds. Adding half a minute, which is 30 seconds, to this total gives us a final count of 720 + 30 = 750 seconds in 12 and a half minutes.
There are 60 seconds in a minute, so one and a half minutes would be 90 seconds. To convert seconds to minutes, you would divide by 60. Therefore, one and a half minutes is equal to 1.5 minutes or 1 minute and 30 seconds.
There are 60 seconds in a minute, so a half minute would be 30 seconds. If you have a length of time in half minutes, multiply that by 30 to get seconds. For example, 20 half minutes = 20 x 30 seconds = 600 seconds