If its interior angles add up to 3600 degrees then it will have 22 sides.
22 sides
7 sides
There is no such shape.
There is no such shape.
If the interior angles add up to 3600 degrees then it will have 22 sides
A polygon whose internal angles sum to 2700 degrees has 17 sides.
If the interior angles add up to 72000 degrees then the shape has 402 sides
3600 seconds.
7 sides, which makes it a heptagon. A polygon is any shape with 3 or more sides.
1 degree = 3600 seconds ⇒ 0.286o = 0.286 x 3600'' = 1029.6''
22 sides
1 degree = 60 minutes, 1 mnute = 60 seconds so 1 degree = 3600 seconds.
There is no limit to the number of sides that a particular shape can have. The Icosahedron has 20 sides. It would tend to the circle as the number tends to infinity: even a 360-sided polygon (1 degree internal angles) would look a bit like like a pixellated circle.
it has 5 sides
6 sides