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How do you express 0 to 20 in a decimal system to binary?

0 = 00000 1 = 00001 2 = 00010 3 = 00011 4 = 00100 5 = 00101 6 = 00110 7 = 00111 8 = 01000 9 = 01001 10 = 01010 11 = 01011 12 = 01100 13 = 01101 14 = 01110 15 = 01111 16 = 10000 17 = 10001 18 = 10010 19 = 10011 20 = 10100

Write the first 30 counting numbers in base 2?

01 = 00001 11 = 01011 21 = 10101 02 = 00010 12 = 01100 22 = 10110 03 = 00011 13 = 01101 23 = 10111 04 = 00100 14 = 01110 24 = 11000 05 = 00101 15 = 01111 25 = 11001 06 = 00110 16 = 10000 26 = 11010 07 = 00111 17 = 10001 27 = 11011 08 = 01000 18 = 10010 28 = 11110 09 = 01001 19 = 10011 29 = 11101 10 = 01010 20 = 10100 30 = 11111

Why is binary subtraction referred to as the invert-add-shift-add method?

This is because the given term refers to the method by which it works. You can subtract binary numbers in the way we're taught to do it in grade school, but computers do it using a different technique.For example, let's say you're subtracting one number from another. We'll call them B and A respectively. The way this technique works is as follows:Take the complement of the number being subtracted (see footnote)Add it to the other numberRemove the first digit of the result, and add it to the last digitSo we'll start by picking a couple of binary values for A and B:A = 10110101B = 101001They must have the same number of digits, so we'll pad the front of B with zeros:B = 00101001Now take its complement:B' = 11010110Now add them together:10110101+ 11010110=110001011And remove the leftmost digit of the result, adding it to the resulting number:10001011 + 1 = 10001100Giving us the result. If you want to double check that, just add the result to the number we subtracted in the first place:00101001+ 10001100= 10110101And you can see that this is our original value for A.This is where that name comes from. First we "invert" the number we're subtracting by taking its complement. Next we "add" it to the first number. Then we "shift" the leftmost digit of the result over to the right end, and "add" it to the rightmost digit.It is important to note that this is not unique to binary numbers. You can apply this to subtraction in any base. For example, let us subtract the decimal number 2343 from 14555:We start by expanding 2343 to five digits by preceding it with zeros:02343Now we take its complement:97656And add that to the number from which we're subtracting:14555+ 97656112211Then we take the leftmost digit and add it to the remaining number:= 12212And again, we can double check our answer:2343 + 12212 = 14555Demonstrating that this technique works.Note:The complement of a number is another number in which each digit, when added to the corresponding digit in the original number, will give us the largest available single-digit value in the base we're working in. For example, in regular decimal notation, the complement of 12345 is 87654, because each corresponding pair of digits (8 + 1, 7 + 2, 6 + 3, etc.) adds up to 9, the largest single digit value in decimal. Similarly, in hexadecimal, the complement of of 12345 would be EDCBA, and the binary complement of "11011" would be "00100".