11 has two significant figures. A significant figure is any non-zero digit or any embedded or trailing zero. Leading zeros are not significant.
But according to the rules of significant figures, the least number of significant figures in any number of the problem determines the number of significant figures in the answer which, in this case, would be 11.
11 crore = 11,00,00,000
It is 11:48 am
The product is 11 mm
11 200 000
Two - all nonzero numbers are significant.
11 significant figures.
It has 11 significant digits
But according to the rules of significant figures, the least number of significant figures in any number of the problem determines the number of significant figures in the answer which, in this case, would be 11.
12 sig-figs. Without the final zero it only has 11.
There are 1609.344 metres in one mile. Therefore, rounded to three significant figures, 11 metres is equal to 11/1609.344 = 0.00684 miles.
One. In scientific notation 0.00000000006 = 6 x 10-11 which has 1 digit in the mantissa (the bit before the x 10-11) showing the number has only 1 significant figure. The first significant figure is the first non-zero digit; then count the number of digits from there onwards until just zeros remain and stop counting then. Trailing zeros are not normally counted as significant, but trailing zeros after a decimal point (which would not normally be written) could indicate rounding to significant figures and be counted, eg 3.5897 to 4 sig fig is 3.590
If you take pi as 3.141592654, then the answer is 2.145029397 to 11 significant figures.
6 lbs 11 oz = 3.03 kg(to 3 significant figures)