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Q: How many significant figures does 304 have?
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How many significant figures are in 304?

The number 30.4 has THREE significant figures.

How any significant figures is there in 304?

3 of them.

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Significant figures of 808.57?

Four. The number of significant figures in any number is found by counting the number of digits starting with the first non - zero digit (eg 0.12 has 2 sig figures, 304 has 3 sig figures.)

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How many significant figures are in 0.7?

0.7 has one significant figure. Any non-zero digit is significant (165 has three significant figures). Any zero between non-zero digits is significant (304 has three significant figures). Any zero to the right of a non-zero digit in a number which includes a decimal point is significant (10,000 has one significant figure, .0001 has one significant figure, but 100.0 has four significant figures, as does 0.001000). In this case, only the 7 is significant.

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There are 3 significant figures in 94.2.

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4 significant figures.

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There are four significant figures in 0.1111.

How many significant figures does 20.2 have?

20.2 has three significant figures.

How many significant figures are in 0.000042500?

The significant figures in 0.000042500 are: 0.0000425. So, there are 8 significant figures.