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5.00 has three significant figures. A significant figure is any non-zero digit or any embedded or trailing zero. Leading zeros are not significant.

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Q: How many significant figures in the number 5.00?
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There are three. The 4, the 5 and the zero in between. The two last zeros serve only to properly space the decimal point which, in this number, is implied.

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9, every number counts as a significant figure except leading zeroes and any zero without a different digit after it is not a significant figure unless there is a decimal point after it. i.e. 0500 has 1 significant digit, 501 has 3, and 500. has 3

What is the rule about significant figures?

1. All non-zero numbers are significant 2. Zeros between non-zero digits count 3. Zeros at the beginning of a number do not count 4. Zeros at the end of a number that does not have a decimal are not significant 5. Zeros at the end of a number with a decimal are significant

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50*pi*500 = 78539.81634centimeters or 785 meters, correct to three significant figures.

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To assess the number of significant digits in a number, you first have to find the greatest non-zero digit. In this case it is the first five which represent 500. The next step is to simply count how many digits there are after this number. In this case, there are 4 more digits. Thus the number 500.95 has been given to 5 significant digits.

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0.500 liters one half a liter (accurate to three significant figures)