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Just one of them between 5 and 1

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Q: How many significant zeroes in 0.005010?
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How many significant digits are there in 0.321?

3. Any number that is not a 0 is a significant number. Rules for Significant Figures: 1. Non-zero numbers are always significant. (example: 1-9) 2. Zeroes between non-zeroes are always significant. (ex: the zero in 908 is significant) 3. All final zeroes to the far right of the decimal place are significant. (ex: the zeroes in 34.0 and 7.0 is significant) 4. Zeroes that act as place holders are not significant. (ex: the zeroes in 600 are not significant) 5. Zeroes before a decimal act as place holders and are not significant. (ex. the zero in 0.12 is not significant)

How many significant figures does 0.007001 have?

0.007001 has four significant figures. The leading zeroes are not significant. The zeroes between the 7 and 1 are significant because they are between two significant figures (7 and 1).

How many significant figures in 0.00406m?

3 The leading zeroes are not significant.

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8. Trailing zeroes after a decimal are significant.

How many significant figures are in 0.03954?

Four. The leading zeroes are not significant.

How many significant digits are in the measurement 0.006?

One. The leading zeroes are not significant.

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Four. The trailing zeroes are not significant because there is no decimal.

How many significant figures are in the measurement 0.00789 kg?

three The leading zeroes are not significant.

How many significant digits are in the number 605.20?

5 (zeroes before the number don't count, zeroes after the number do)

How many significant figures does 0.600 have?

The number 0.600 has three significant figures. All non-zero numbers are always significant. Leading zeroes are never significant, and trailing zeroes that follow a decimal point are always significant.

How many significant figures are in 60000?

There are 5 significant figures, the six plus the four zeroes. The zeroes are significant figures due to the inclusion of the decimal - with no decimal there would only be one significant figure (the six).

How many significant figures are in 0.02750 mm?

4. The zeroes to the left are not significant, the zero to the right, is.