144 / 5 = 28.8
240 ÷ 144 = 1 remainder 96
You just divide 144 by three! If you want to figure out half of 144 it is 72, because 144 divided by 2=72, and 2 is the bottom number, or the denominator, of the fraction. To figure out something like three-quarters, you divide the number by the denominator, then times it by the top number, or the numerator. Example: five-sixs of 54. 54 divided by 6=9. 9x5=45, so your answer would be 45
144 times.
6 of them.
sixs sons
Exactly 144 times
144 / 5 = 28.8
144 ÷ 48 = 3
50 minutes.
les années soixante - les sixties
240 ÷ 144 = 1 remainder 96
144 / 2 = 72
2 x 72 = 144