how many ft is 11 yds
18 of them.
How many feet are in a mile? 5280.How many feet in a yard? 3.All you have to do is divide 5280 by 3.The answer is: 1760 yards in a mile.
There are 9 feet in 3 yards.
288 sq ft but carpet and vinyl flooring comes in sq yds you need 32 sq yds + waste 15%
If you're only carpeting the floor, you need 22/9 square yds. If you're also carpeting the ceiling, you need 44/9 square yards all together. If you're also carpeting the walls, you need 44/9 plus (2 x the height of the room) square yards.
12ft X 32ft = 384 sq ft /9 = 42.67 sq yds
24.5555 sq yds
42 sq yds
10ft X 10ft = 100sq ft /9 = 11.11 sq yds
Can't say, I don't know the height. If you meant the wallis 8x17, then you need 15 1/9 yds.
351 sq feet or 39 sq yds
Approx 21 cu yds.
1 mi = 1760 yds → 3 mi = 3 x 1760 yds = 5280 yds
about 25 yds
12 ft = 4 yds