That depends on whether the "8 feet" refers to the radius, the diameter, or the circumference of your round area.
What in the world is "an 8 foot round area" ?
Is 8-ft the "diameter", the distance through the center of the circle ?
Is it the distance all the way around the curvy part of the circle ?
Is this area even a circle ?
IF this is a circle, and IF the distance around it is 8-ft, then its area is 5.093 square feet.
If the diameter is 8-ft, then its area is 50.265 square feet.
56 square feet is the area of 56 square feet a square foot is unit used to measure area. For example something could be 5 feet long, but it couldn't be 56 square feet long. A foot is a measurement of length, and a square foot is a measurement of area.
A linear foot is distance. A square foot is area. One square foot is the area of some square tiles used on floors. Ten square feet is 1 foot x 10 feet or 2 feet x 5 feet. Don't confuse this with a 10 foot square which is 10 feet by 10 feet which equals 100 square feet.
1 square-foot.
"regular feet" are one-dimensional measurements. Square feet are measures of area--two dimensional measurements. A square foot is a square that has foot long sides. 9 square feet are the area equivalent of 9 square feet.
A circle with a 60-foot circumference has an area of 286.48 square feet.
56 square feet is the area of 56 square feet a square foot is unit used to measure area. For example something could be 5 feet long, but it couldn't be 56 square feet long. A foot is a measurement of length, and a square foot is a measurement of area.
The area of a 5.9-foot square is: 34.81 square feet.
A linear foot is distance. A square foot is area. One square foot is the area of some square tiles used on floors. Ten square feet is 1 foot x 10 feet or 2 feet x 5 feet. Don't confuse this with a 10 foot square which is 10 feet by 10 feet which equals 100 square feet.
There is no way to convert between feet (length) and square feet (area). A square foot is a measure of area while feet are a measure of distance. The two measure different things. To get square footage, you have to have a length in feet and a width in feet.
No. They are quite different. They are the same only in the case of one square foot and one foot square. One square foot is a square, one foot on a side. Ten square feet is an area equal to ten of these square feet. Ten feet square is a square, ten feet per side. Ten square feet contains an area of ten square feet. Ten feet square contains an area of 100 square feet.
130 square feet
There are about 22.2967296 square meters in a 20 by 12 foot area. (Round this off as you see fit.) The 20 x 12 square foot area = 240 square feet, and there are 10.7639104 square feet in a square meter. Divide the square feet in a square meter into the number of square feet to get your answer in square meters. A calculator will allow you to make any conversions, and if you open a Google window on your computer and put "240 sq ft to sq meters" as a search argument, you'll get your answer immediately.
An eight-foot wide round table is 50.27 square feet.
Radius = 79/(2*pi) = 12.5732405 feet Area = pi*12.57324052 = 496.643 square feet rounded to 3 dp
The area of a square with a 12-foot perimeter is: nine square feet.
The square foot area of a 41-foot diameter circle is: 1,320 square feet.